Have a Happy 2008

We wish you, our wonderful readers, a happy, safe and prosperous new year.

May you achieve your goals and acquire healthy habits in 2008.

Pumps and Gloss

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

to our

Wonderful Readers!

Caught in the Act

Happy Friday Glossy Ones,

We all know that having sex in public places has its share of risks like someone catching you during a thrust in the restroom or at a friends’ house in their spare room.  Were you trying to get that quickie and the child comes down the stairs when they’re supposed to be sleep?  I’m sorry to say I do not have a story to share.  However, we would like to hear from you about your mortifying moment caught in the act. 

In addition, please share your story with Dana Squilla, she works for a national women’s magazine writing embarrassing/funny moments page. The topic she is currently pursing is, “My most mortifying caught in the act moment!”  She would definitely like to hear from anyone who would be willing to participate and share their story whether they were having sex in public, or someone walked in on them.  Dana’s email address is dsquilla@bauerpublishing.com.  I hope you will share your stories with Dana. 

I thought I would add some mild videos of people “Caught in the Act.’

I wish all of our readers a wonderful Chankkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.

Have a wonderful and prosperous 2008 Glossy Ones.

Sensual Element

Iventory Time

Hey Pumps and Glossies,

I hope the holiday season is going well for you. I know that many of us celebrate different holidays around this time, so remember that we live in a multicultural and multi-ethnic society. Happy holidays, everyone!

Ok, ok the new year is fast approaching and the time has come to do a personal year-end checklist. The checklist can include goals from 2007 that have been attained, goals you want to attain in 2008, financial data (monthly and holiday budgets), annual tasks/projects e.g. purchasing real estate, preparing for a new baby, finally working on the scrapbook and self-improvement, which could also fall under the goals category.


Really take the time to do this checklist and monitor your progress weekly or monthly. In the past, instead of making resolutions during the new year i.e. January 1, I would make monthly resolutions. Definitely helps to better track the progress.

When setting goals, think big! I think by writing down those big dreams, you will/may find a way to achieve them.

When doing your financial checklist, you will need to consider your estate, insurance coverage, investment accounts and taxes. A few years back, Mr. Maven and I tweaked our financial checklist. We thought about our short and long term goals and needs and how we could get those items taken care of. (Sidebar: insurance coverage for renters – Please oh please make sure you have rental insurance. The cost is quite nominal a year. When we were renting, we always made sure we had rental insurance, especially living in wood-framed homes of New England.)

Keeping accurate records is a must. Mr. Maven has been very fortunate that he was able to telecommute cross country from the corporate office. He kept all relevant bills and such, so he could claim his business expense on our taxes. If we had this stuff floating around, who knows what would have happened.

I wish everyone a happy new year. May 2008 bring you peace, love, joy, wealth, and many more blessings. I am looking forward to the time we will spend with you, our readers, in 2008.

Live Triumphantly now and in the ’08,

Mix Maven

Christmas Cheer

Hey Glossy Ones,

The Ladies of Pumps and Gloss certainly hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.  It is so hard to believe that we are so close to Christmas already!  Since I am borderline overwhelmed at work and very far behind on Christmas gift shopping (I had planned to shop today after church, but we got six inchesof snow and we’re all stuck in the house), I have to make this posting brief!  Here are some of my favorite Christmas songs and clips.  My original format will return when we meet again! 

This is the greatest Christmas song EVER!

I love Celine Dion – her voice is just amazing.  Make sure you watch how she holds the note at the end!

How can you not love this? 🙂

The lyrics to this song are just hilarious!  The Christmas Music Station here keeps it in rotation, so I get a good  laugh on the way to work.

I love, love, love Mickey’s Christmas Carol.  Part One is above – click here for Part Two and Part Three.

Merry Christmas!


Top 5 Lingerie

As we get to the end of 2007, I am taking out the time to give the top 5 choices of Christmas lingerie I saw in Fredrick’s of Hollywood.  I will admit trying to determine which ranking these lingerie pieces would receive. 

At number 5:


I love the look and but if you are top heavy you may not be able to find your size.  So we just gaze at this one from the window.

at number 4:


This is a wonderful piece for those role playing games and the Mr. wants to see his Mrs. Santa Claus strut around the bedroom.  The whole ensemble is lovely and I just love the hat.

at number 3:


This is just sexy and there’s not much more to say about this lingerie piece.

at number 2:


There’s something about long splits that I just love.  The split on a skirt or dress can drive your man ready to pull it off your body.  

And our sexy lingerie is…….


This lingerie piece gives you the role of Mrs. Claus for playing and the sexiness we all want to maintain.   

I told you these choices were hard.  I loved all of the lingerie pieces and as I look at them over and over, I would move them up and down on my list.

Have a Sensual Weekend

Sensual Element 

A Few of My Favorite…….

Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa) to all.

This writer’s strike is really bothering me. I am missing Conan O’Brien, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. If there were not other important things going on in my life, I would have no reason to exist. I hope both parties can come to a suitable agreement, so I can see my men live on the TV once again.

My top 5 favorites shows are (not in any specific order) that I have never discussed on Pumps and Gloss before:

  1. Eureka on the SciFi Network – Mr. Maven turned me on to this show as he is a sci-fi fan, but not in a weird/nerdy way. The show is about a sheriff who moves to a town where all the residents are geniuses. One of the major employers of the town is Global Dynamic where scientists work on high-level, top secret assignments for the Department of Defense. The show has a nice mix of romance, science and mayhem, which I totally love. The ensemble cast includes Salli Richardson, Joe Morton, and Colin Ferguson.Eureka - SciFi Network
  2. The Nanny -I love this show. When the show first aired, I was a freshman in college. At the time, I liked how Nanny Fine dressed because I, too, loved the short skirts and wore them as often as I could. The show is a classic just like “I Love Lucy.”The Nanny - Source:Amazo.com
  3. I am not a huge animated fan, but I love “The Boondocks.” This sharply written animated show is definitely NOT for the kids. The show is based on the cartoon strip of the same name. The strip contained a biting critique of popular and political culture in the United States. My favorite episodes include Gangstalicious, a rapper who gets shot and kisses a fellow male rapper. I am still trying to figure out who he is supposed to represent.The Boondocks - Cartoon Network
  4. Chuck is a new show on NBC prime time. We missed a few episodes in the beginning. Thankfully, we were able to catch on easily to the show. “Chuck” is a show about 20-something techy nerd, who accidentally downloads NSA and CIA information into his brain. Chuck works at BuyMore as a tech support that works in the Nerd Herd (i.e. Geek Squad.) He works undercover for the government and each week battles, along with his spy handlers, terrorists and other evil-doers. Chuck - NBC.com
  5. Las Vegas is worth watching for Josh Duhamel alone. He is definitely fine!! I liked the kick-a$$ nature of the show, until James Caan decided to leave the show, I am sure for valid reasons. The new addition of Tom Selleck as casino owner is a, somewhat, dull . Would have been super nice, if Mike got the President of Operations job, considering he has a degree from MIT. Still I enjoy the show, but I waiting for an increase in kick assery.Las Vegas - NBC.com

What are some of your favorite television shows?

Decking the Halls with Boughs of Holly,

Mix Maven

Musical Three-On-Three

Hey Glossy Ones,

Today, since three is my favorite number, I will be sharing my three favorite things related to music in three different categories. Let’s go!

Three Fave Party Songs

Last week, Mix Maven did a post about fab dresses for holiday parties. Here are my three favorite party songs in no particular order:

I am not a Jagged Edge fan (I know, I know), but this is the only song by them that I love. Featuring Nelly, here is Where The Party At.”

Koffee Brown didn’t get the play they deserved! Great CD and After Party will always be a fave of mine…and the guy in the group is fine!

A MJB classic – Family Affair.”

Honorable Mention: “Party Up (Up In Here)” by DMX and “Booty Call – Pirate Remix” by Blackstreet (“Ain’t no call like a booty call, cause a booty call just don’t stop!”). I could go there with Perculator! LOL!

Three Fave Kissing Songs

Sensual Element did a post about kissing last week. Here are my fave songs related to kissing!

“Don’t matter who knows/I don’t care who sees/Me thinking about you makes my life complete” – Gotta take you back with Total’s Kissing You.”

I couldn’t find the video for Kissing You by Faith Evans (from the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack), but I found this really cute version. 🙂

“I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike the waaaaaaaaaaaaay…” Couldn’t leave out I Like The Way (Kissing Game) by Hi-Five.

Honorable Mention: “Kiss” by Prince and “Kiss Kiss” by Chris Brown with T-Pain.

Three Fave Songs featuring Snoop D-O-Double Gizzle

I think all three of us at P&G could do three different Friday posts about this song! LOL! I love to turn it up in the car and my hubby is ’bout sick of me singing it around the house. Snoop Dogg does the Roger Troutman onSensual Seduction.” This is definitely my jam at the moment. Click HERE to hear the unedited version, Sexual Eruption.

Ok, my FAVE part of this song is the start of Snoop’s second verse, starting at minute 3:01:

“It’s the capital S/Oh yes, I’m Fresh/n-double o-p/D-o-double g-y/D-o-doube G you see”

Takes me back every time. Here is Dr. Dre’s Nuthin but a G Thang (Baby!).

The beat to this song BANGS! Here’s Chuuuch to Da Palace.” Cute video concept.

Honorable Mention: Drop It Like It’s Hot, ANYTHING from his first cd, and the one Snoop did with Timberland, can’t remember the name of it, but the hook went something like, “Who’s that dippin in the Cadiallac?/Snooooop Dogg.”

Ok, that’s my Three-On-Three for today. Hope you all have a great week!



Source: http://www.kissing.com/lecture.html for William Cane

As I was driving to work earlier this week, I was listening to the radio and the topic was “The Art of Kissing.” I was thinking, wow this is a great subject for Friday. As I really started thinking, how does one perfect their kissing? I know I love a good kiss probably like anyone else reading this. Kissing can really stir up some emotions if the other person is great at kissing. I don’t know about anyone else but I have had some kisses that left me saying DAYUMMMMMMM.

I noticed there are plenty of books and video about the art of kissing, however, the station was discussing a book by William Cane and how he describes the art of kissing. When I went to the website http://www.kissing.com/lecture.html I was shocked to see that Mr. Cane makes appearances to colleges and universities.

Some of the topics covered by Mr. Cane topics covered include the psychology of kissing, how to avoid kissing diseases, and methods of making yourself more kissable in the eyes of the opposite sex. He also delights you with tips for more intimate kisses, advice on where men and women like to be kissed best (based on the first Internet kissing survey in history), bizarre kissing customs from around the world, the newest fads in French kissing, and point by point instructions for today’s trendiest kisses, including:

  the upside-down kiss
  the lip-o-suction kiss
  the vacuum kiss
  the music kiss, and
  the Trobriand Islands kiss.


The Art of Kissing, (St. Martin’s Press, revised edition 1995). Since the initial publication of his comprehensive kisser’s manual, The Art of Kissing, author William Cane has received thousands of phone calls, letters, and e-mails from readers with questions, concerns, and comments about their kissing techniques. In this revised edition of an international classic (now published in nineteen countries and seventeen languages), he shares their insights, responds to their questions, and calms their kissing qualms with more of the lip-smacking wisdom his fans have been waiting for. New topics include:

The kinds of kisses men and women like most (and least!) according to the results of the world’s first Internet kissing survey.

How to overcome your kissing shyness and kissing anxieties?

More lips-on instruction and wisdom from real kissers on how to perfect the first kiss, the eye kiss, the nose kiss, the neck kiss, the public kiss, and the wet kiss, as well as complete instructions for all-new kisses, including the butterfly kiss, the friendly kiss, and the lip-o-suction kiss.

I know I want to see which kisses were the worst and best. I can imagine sloppy kisses or those wet kisses where the person leaves your face wet (like you need a face washing or something). The book seems to be a pretty good buy. I am going to have to purchase the book and let everyone know what I really think of his publication. The radio personality was raving about the book. If anyone has read this book please leave a comment and let us know what you think about the “Art of Kissing” by William Cane. Also did it enhance your kissing abilities?

Kiss away my Glossy Ones!!

Sensual Element

Party All The Time

Hey Pumps And Gloss-y Ones,

As many of you know, Mix Maven loves the shimmer and glimmer, which is one of the reasons why I love the Holiday season. Many of us will have many shindigs to attend, which means we have to be looking good. (Please make sure to acquire appropriate attire for your parties. For example, if you are going to a formal church banquet, no one should have to accidentally see the crack of your buttocks.)

I like J. Crew and I think this store is a good place to find classic, tasteful looks for any occasion.

I found this wonderful dress in the clearance section of the website. The empire waist is flattering on most figures. Pair with chunky pearl necklace or white gold or sterling silver with a solitaire pendant.

JCrew Sophia Silk Dress in Deep Forest

I like this dress. This J. Crew Silk Taffeta Dress in Charcoal is for ladies that are not too busty. (If you are busty, back away from this dress right now!!) What about pairing this dress with blue or olive leather opera gloves for a pop of color?

JCrew Charcoal Silk Taffeta Ballerina Dress

Carolina Amato Gloves Blue - Source: Eluxury.comCarolina Amato Gloves Olive - Source: Eluxury.com

I am totally in love with the Black Betsey Johnson and Kelly Green Maggy London shift dresses. The sequins brighten up the Betsey Johnson dress. Most, if not all, body types would look great in this style of dress.

Betsey Johnson Paillette Trim Silk Shift - Source: Nordstrom.com

I adore the layered box pleated-collar because it creates visual interest to an otherwise plain dress. The silk chiffon is glorious and looks chic and comfortable. This dress is also figure flattering and great for the petite ladies who are a few months pregnant.

Maggy London Silk Chiffon - Source: Nordstrom.com

If you get bored with all the carols and other holiday songs at the soirée, ask the DJ to play “Dumb it Down” by Lupe Fiasco …. great message in the song!!

My new favorite song!!

Tis The Season to be Jolly,

Mix Maven