Entice With Delight

I am Sensual Element and it’s a pleasure to welcome you to Pumps and Gloss!

My role with Pumps and Gloss is to rejuvenate, inspire and encourage. Sometimes we have sexual inhibitions deep inside that we need to discover and begin the journey of sexual healing. My goal is to encourage you to try something different rejuvenate your sensual side and inspire you to “BRING YOUR SEXY BACK.” Let me say first, I am not an expert in the field. This is all in good fun. I know what works for one person may not work for others. So with this being said, LET THE FUN BEGIN!

Ladies, have you ever thought about giving that someone special a Striptease or Lap Dance. However, you are not sure if you can really get through the intro of the song. Fear not!! Pick up Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease. I have heard rave reviews about Carmen’s DVD. This way if you are shy, you are in the comfort of your own home. Otherwise, look for studios that may offer classes in Strip tease, pole dancing and lap dancing. I have tried strip tease (it was called fit tease) and it was lots of fun and excellent exercise. You will feel sexy and rejuvenated. I will admit that I was hesitant about trying out fit tease, but once I started, I turned into a totally different person. Something will come over you and you will start to gyrate and move like never before. I will post websites of studios that offer classes. If you know about some classes being offered, please make sure you let us know so that we can make it known to others in your hometown.

So ladies, come on and “shake what your momma gave you” or better yet “drop it like it’s hot.”

Sensual Element

3 Responses

  1. Yo, this post is hot. Sensual Element, you are spitting hot fire. I love how this blog has a variety of topics, but yet they are interconnected related to being a smart, strong, whole woman. Keep up the good work Pumps & Gloss.

  2. I love Carmen Electra’s dvds. I have the first one and the last one and I feel sexy every time I work out and my boyfriend loves it. I would recommend trying it out. Nice blog!

  3. […] purchased Carmen Electra’s “Aerobic Striptease” DVD a year ago (Sen also did a piece on this DVD).  If you want to feel sexy and get in shape, this is the DVD for you.  The great […]

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